The Best Baby Monitors

Though the adage suggests that peaceful and deep sleep is “sleeping like a baby,” any parent knows that nothing sleeps as poorly as a baby! You can expect your baby to get up throughout the night and that means you need to be prepared. A baby monitor will allow you to keep an ear out for any stirring your baby does, even while you’re asleep. You can check in on your baby without disturbing his or her sleep and that’s a big perk. There are several advancements in monitor technology that make it all the easier to make sure your baby is safe and comfortable all night long. If you’re not sure where to start on your research, allow us to take the pressure off and read on!

We reviewed dozens of baby monitors to identify the best of the best. We looked at baby monitors that will give you the audio you need to alert you when your little one is crying, and the video monitors that will tell you if your baby’s still sleeping or if they’re stirring. We found baby monitors that you can watch on your phone from an app and the monitors that take note of the temperature of the room. No matter how little or how much information you want your monitor to offer, we’ve found the right choice for you.

Best Baby Monitor Overall
Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor
If you want a baby monitor that stands out among all others, then look no further than the Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor.

One look at the Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor and you’ll know why it was an obvious top spot pick. The 2-way audio function and crisp, digital video quality makes it the winner among all its peers for the best baby monitor overall.

The 5 Top-Rated Baby Monitors

Editor's PicksBrandRating
Best WiFi Baby MonitorVicture 1080P FHD Baby Monitor Camera 4.4
Best Budget Baby MonitorConico 1080P Wireless Security Home Camera Baby Monitor4.2
Best Baby Video MonitorVAVA 720P Video Baby Monitor4.7
Best Baby Monitor OverallInfant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor 4.4
Best Audio-Only Baby MonitorVTech DM111 Audio Baby Monitor4.4

*Ratings are from Amazon at the time of publication and can change

Best Baby Monitor Overall: Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor

The Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor allows you to see and hear your baby wherever you are in your house. You can plug the viewing screen in, or take it along with you to see your little one at your desk or in the basement with your movie night after everyone’s in bed. You’ll also enjoy the tilt-pan-zoom features on the camera, making it more difficult for your little one to roll into a blind zone from your camera.

For those who worry about your family’s privacy, you’ll appreciate that this monitor comes with a privacy guarantee – both video and audio are transmitted via a secure channel that shares absolutely no data through the internet, meaning no other devices can access your camera. Though you won’t be able to access your camera on your phone as a lot of others do, that’s the price for virtually unhackable privacy with your video monitor.

There is such an impressive number of customer reviews on Amazon – over 40,000! – you can take confidence in the accuracy of the rating. In this case, that’s nothing but good news, because the overall rating for this monitor is the more than respectable 4.4 stars.

Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor Key Features:

  • 10-hour battery life (6-hours with camera)
  • Up to 700 ft range
  • Expandable with additional cameras

Best Baby Video Monitor: VAVA 720P Video Baby Monitor

Best Baby Video Monitor
VAVA 720P Video Baby Monitor
If you’re looking for a baby monitor that will allow you to see, and even interact with your baby from a distance in your home, then you will absolutely want to check out the VAVA 720P Video Baby Monitor.

The VAVA 720P Video Baby Monitor has a two-walk talk function that will let you sing your baby to sleep when he wakes in the middle of the night, or to direct your toddler to the location of his lost pacifier – and that’s where the outstanding camera of this monitor also comes in handy.

The night vision on this camera means that you’ll always be able to tell what’s happening in the room in which your baby is sleeping. Considering that baby is most often going to be sleeping in the dark, this seems like the most convenient feature for a video baby monitor, but the innovation doesn’t stop there. You’ll also appreciate the large monitor of a full five inches, making it easier than ever to see your little one’s movements, and the LED lights which indicate noise will allow you to see – and not just hear – your baby’s noises. That way you can keep it in your peripheral vision while you’re listening to something else. (Maybe you’re on an important call, but still want to be able to keep tabs on your little guy.)

Nearly 6,000 customers on Amazon have purchased this baby monitor and felt strongly enough about it that they came back to leave feedback. Think about how much you have to think of a product to make it worth it to you to go back and leave a detailed review. And when you also consider the rating it has – 4.7 stars – this is all the more impressive!

VAVA 720P Video Baby Monitor Key Features:

  • 7 volume levels
  • 24-hour battery life (10 hours with video on)
  • 1-push digital zoom

Best Budget Baby Monitor: Conico 1080P Wireless Security Home Camera Baby Monitor

Best Budget Baby Monitor
Conico 1080P Wireless Security Home Camera Baby Monitor
For a baby monitor that will give you peace of mind without breaking the budget, then consider the Conico 1080P Wireless Security Home Camera Baby Monitor.

The Conico 1080P Wireless Security Home Camera Baby Monitor is an excellent purchase for the long-term. Not only will it be incredibly useful when your baby is young, but after your little one has outgrown the need for a monitor in her room, you’ll be able to use this camera as a security measure anywhere in your home you want to keep a close eye on. (You may also want to keep it on the front door to alert you for when your little one grows into a teenager who loves to bust curfew.)

This monitor has a two-way sound, allowing you to talk to your little one as they need, and soothe as they fuss. (Or scare them sneaking in as a teenager if you want to keep with that idea.) You can download an app on your phone and access the camera remotely to make sure your little one is sleeping soundly and hasn’t gotten a leg stuck in the slats of the crib.

You’ll love the features of this monitor but the real selling point for it is the numbers. There are roughly 2,000 customer reviews on Amazon for this monitor with an overall rating of 4.2 stars, but the best number of all is the cost: You can pick this up for around $20 – a total steal.

Conico 1080P Wireless Security Home Camera Baby Monitor Key Features:

  • 2-way audio
  • 360-degree rotational camera
  • 8x zoom and cloud storage compatible

Best WiFi Baby Monitor: Victure 1080P FHD Baby Monitor Camera

Best WiFi Baby Monitor
Victure 1080P FHD Baby Monitor Camera
For a camera monitor that will allow you to check in on your baby whenever and wherever you want, then you’ll want to check out the Victure 1080P FHD Baby Monitor Camera.

The Victure 1080P FHD Baby Monitor Camera offers you a crisp video of your baby, from anywhere you have access to data or wifi. The 120-degree wide-angle lens means that you won’t have to rotate or reposition your camera to make sure you’re seeing your baby as they toss and turn. And 8 invisible infrared LEDs will make the night vision all the more clear so you can see what’s actually happening, no squinting or night lights necessary.

With the purchase of this camera, you’ll have access to a free app, easily installed on your phone, and from then on you’ll have the power to operate the camera, review recordings, and control settings, no matter where you are. You’ll even be able to review footage by syncing your app with cloud storage.

Sitting on Amazon with right around 6,300 customer reviews, there’s enough support to take comfort in the accuracy of the overall rating of 4.4 stars – Making this purchase is a sound investment.

Victure 1080P FHD Baby Monitor Camera Key Features:

  • Advanced night vision
  • 2-way audio
  • 3 packaging options

Best Audio-Only Baby Monitor: VTech DM111 Audio Baby Monitor

Best Audio-Only Baby Monitor
VTech DM111 Audio Baby Monitor
For an audio baby monitor that will give you crystal clear sound, then try the VTech DM111 Audio Baby Monitor.

If you’re looking for a solid baby monitor that has reliable technology from a brand you can trust, then you won’t want to miss the VTech DM111 Audio Baby Monitor. The audio capabilities of this monitor are tried and true and you’ll get a clear and crisp sound that won’t leave any doubt if it’s a whimper or a grunt.

You’ll also be able to make the decision whether you want to take the receiver with you everywhere you go or not. It can be plugged in by your bed to make sure you’ll always wake to your little one’s cries while keeping another one in the kitchen or office – wherever you spend the bulk of your day. With the two packaging options, you can pick up one or two parent units, making it easier for you to hear your baby without forgetting the monitor in another room, or worrying about the battery dying when you take it from room to room.

There are well over 13,000 customer reviews on Amazon for this monitor with an overall rating of 4.4 stars. That’s plenty enough to suggest you, too, would be satisfied with this purchase.

VTech DM111 Audio Baby Monitor Key Features:

  • 5-levels of sound
  • 2 color options
  • Belt clip for portable receiver

Who Should Buy a Baby Monitor

If you’re looking into ways to “baby-proof” your house in anticipation of your new baby, then you will definitely want to consider finding a baby monitor. For most parents, there are fewer things that cause more worries than their children and you’ll love finding anything to give you peace of mind. A monitor can alert you to your baby’s noises, even across the room – even if you’re at work and the nanny has your little one! It can also show you how your baby’s sleeping. You can check in on them from the living room to see why they’re fussing, so you won’t disturb them if they only whine and fall back asleep. A two-way audio monitor will allow you to calm your baby with your soothing parent voice or direct your toddler to the location of his lost pacifier. A baby monitor is, quite possibly, the best invention to maintain some semblance of independence after becoming a parent.

For the co-sleeping family, you may not think you need a monitor at all, but don’t be fooled! Even if you’re sleeping in the same room at night, your little one will be sleeping a lot more than you do, so you’ll want to prepare for that scenario, as well. For a quick newborn nap or a long, routine afternoon nap for your 1-year old, the baby monitor will help you plan your time during nap – stirring means you don’t have long before they’re up for good and you will definitely appreciate the ability to wrap up what you’re doing.

If you’re looking into baby monitors as a gift, then you may also want to check out The Best Gifts For Pregnant Women and The Best Gifts For New Moms.

Best Baby Monitor Overall
Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor
If you want a baby monitor that stands out among all others, then look no further than the Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor.

Important Features to Consider

A baby monitor should do several things well. Here’s what to consider when selecting a monitor for your baby:

  • Camera. There’s only so much you can tell from sound, and eyes on your little one is an excellent way to soothe a parent’s mind. For the worrier parent (and we all are that to some extent), the more of a necessity a camera will be. You can plan ahead for the worrying, or just plan ahead for covering all your bases. You will pay for the added luxury, though, so if you’re watching what you spend your baby money on – there is plenty to spend on a new baby, after all – you may want to pass on that addition.
  • 2-way voice. You may not find this feature immediately helpful, but you will absolutely appreciate it once your little once can recognize your voice. being able to talk to your little one and comfort them will help them – and therefore you – get a good night’s sleep.
  • Motion or sound-activated. With traditional monitors, you heard a constant static sound that only cleared up when the baby made a noise. It does create a kind of white noise effect that may lull you to sleep, but to be blunt, it’s pretty annoying to have a constant static sound all night long. If you find a monitor that only clicks on when there’s a noise on the other end of it, you could save yourself a baseline of stress. After all, constant noise that’s not exactly calming won’t do a lot for your sanity when you’re going on little sleep trying to keep a new baby alive and happy. Motion-activated cameras will turn on or even send your phone an alert when someone moves. Just be careful how sensitive this is set, since babies tend to toss and turn while settling themselves back in for deep sleep.
  • WiFi. If you find a baby monitor that connects to your WiFi, you’ll be able to log onto an app and view it from your phone, wherever you are.  That makes it all the more convenient for a date night and comforting your worries when you have a sitter. You’ll also appreciate that a monitor that connects to an app because of all the features it will give you. You can record and review later, monitor temperature fluctuations, and track sleeping habits.
  • Night vision. This is a feature that you’ll obviously only need with a camera monitor, but you’ll definitely want to strongly consider it. Most of the time you’re monitoring your baby, it’s going to be dark. You may not love how your little one’s eyes glow creepily in the night vision, but you’re definitely going to want to know when they’re awake.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a baby monitor and how does it work?

A baby monitor is an electronic device that acts like a radio, conveying the sound (and more) from one room to the receiving base station. It’s like a walkie talkie, but constantly on so that you can hear your baby. Some monitors will also offer video options, as well, so you’ll be able to see what your baby is doing. You can opt for a monitor that will allow you to speak through the monitor so that you can instruct your little one to do something or just ease him with your voice or song. Some monitors have a specialized app that will allow you to control your baby monitor from your phone, viewing your baby, even when you’re not home. Depending on how much you’re willing to invest and how high quality the product you purchase, you can observe your little one and make sure the room’s temperature is at a preferred setting, and that any kind of movement that activates the camera will record for you to monitor later. There are so many technological advancements, you’ll have plenty of information to mull over when you’re evaluating exactly why your little one won’t let you sleep.

Should I use a baby monitor at night?

When you have a newborn or infant, you should absolutely use the monitor at night. Not only will the monitor alert you when the baby is up for his midnight feedings, but it will tell you if the baby has woken and can’t get back to sleep. This is helpful if he’s lost his pacifier, or if he’s gotten his foot stuck in between the slots of his crib. If you don’t use the monitor, then you can’t be sure what’s happening without you there. Granted, it’s not likely your infant will be sneaking out to go to a party, but there’s plenty of other trouble that little ones can get into and until you know your little one’s safe, you should keep the monitor on.

While we’re not condoning it, and certainly not before 6 months, sleep is a valuable commodity and if you need a night, and you’re absolutely sure your little one is safe, then you may be comfortable switching off the monitor. You should always talk to your doctor before making any drastic changes in your baby’s routine, though.

What age should I stop using a baby monitor?

You’ll need to use your common sense for this, to some extent. If you have a small apartment and your little one has long passed the “baby voice” phase that doesn’t always wake you, then you’re probably okay to ditch the monitor. For most people, that age comes sometime in toddlerhood – age 2 or so. It helps if they can verbalize what’s wrong so you’ll know when they’re just stirring or if something’s actually happening (like the foot caught in the crib slats we mentioned above).

How do baby monitors see in the dark?

Baby monitors will utilize the same kind of night vision cameras that more high-tech cameras offer, making it all the easier to see your little one in the pitch-black darkness of his room. There are dedicated infrared LEDs placed inside the camera that activates when sensors indicate the level of visibility has dropped too low. Those infrared lights are invisible to the naked eye but are perceptible for electronics and that means the image sent, electronically, to your camera’s receiver or your phone. When the image appears on your device, it’s converted into an image you can see, making it appear as if you have a night vision camera as a baby monitor.

Other Baby Monitors We Reviewed

Best Baby Monitor Overall
Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor
If you want a baby monitor that stands out among all others, then look no further than the Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor.

We looked at 20 other baby monitors. Even though they didn’t make our 5 best baby monitors list, they’re the best of the rest and each is still a great option for your nursery. The information you’ll need to compare each one is included with the listing.

Audio Baby Monitors

HelloBaby HB178 Audio Baby Monitor

HelloBaby HB178 Audio Baby Monitor

You’ll hear your baby crystal clear as if she were in the same room while listening to this monitor.

Key Features:

  • 1-year warranty
  • Requires 2 AAA batteries (not included)
  • 1,000 ft range

Cost: $25

Philips AVENT DECT Baby Monitor

Philips AVENT DECT Baby Monitor

When your baby makes noise, the five LED, sound-activated lights will flash and you’ll hear a clean and crisp sound with no interference.

Key Features:

  • Requires 2 AA batteries (not included)
  • 1,000+ft range
  • Comfort night light on transmitter

Cost: $40

VTech DM221-2 Audio Baby Monitor

VTech DM221-2 Audio Baby Monitor

Adjust the volume accordingly and keep one of these monitors in your bedroom so you can hear your little one through the night and take the other with you as you move about the house during naps.

Key Features:

  • Night light on baby unit
  • 1,000 ft range
  • 2-way audio

Cost: $35

Video Baby Monitors

ANMEATE Digital 2.4Ghz Wireless Video Monitor

ANMEATE Digital 2.4Ghz Wireless Video Monitor

You’ll be able to take this video receiver with you around the house after you tuck her in because the battery life is a convenient 8 hours.

Key Features:

  • 2-way audio
  • 4 lullabies played from camera transmitter
  • Timer/alarm on receiver for wake or feeding time

Cost: $45

GoodBaby Video Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio

GoodBaby Video Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio

This monitor is sound-activated so you won’t have to suffer through a night of white noise static – just the crisp clean sound of your little one when she wakes up.

Key Features:

  • 8 lullabies to play
  • Temperature sensor
  • 960 ft range

Cost: $50

GoodBaby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera

GoodBaby Monitor with Remote Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera

If you’re not able to quite make something on the display out, you will be able to zoom in 2x to see if your little one really does have something in his crib that he shouldn’t.

Key Features:

  • 960 ft range
  • 3.5″ display screen
  • Temperature sensor

Cost: $70

eufyVideo Baby Monitor

eufyVideo Baby Monitor

Control where the camera points and when with the video base receiver that shows you exactly what you want, so you won’t ever leave baby truly unattended all night long.

Key Features:

  • 330-degree camera coverage
  • 460-1,000 ft range
  • 5″ display

Cost: $160

IKQIEOR Baby Monitor

IKQIEOR Baby Monitor

You’ll be able to clearly see your baby with this video receiver on which you can adjust the volume and turn off the screen.

Key Features:

  • 3.2″ display screen
  • 2-way audio
  • Lullabies play

Cost: $50

Dual Camera Baby Monitors

Babysense Split Screen Video Baby Monitor

Babysense Split Screen Video Baby Monitor

Watch both your kids at the same time or set up your cameras for two of the most common baby or kid places in your home to make sure that you always have eyes on your little one.

Key Features:

  • Auto infrared night vision
  • 2-way audio
  • 1-year warranty

Cost: $150

Moonybaby Split 60 Video Baby Monitor

Moonybaby Split 60 Video Baby Monitor

You can set up this system to see both live video feeds on one screen, which make this an ideal set up for those with multiple kids in separate rooms.

Key Features:

  • Up to 1,000 ft range
  • 2-way audio
  • Night vision

Cost: $200

VTech Video Baby Monitor

VTech Video Baby Monitor

You’ll love how much you can control from the video receiver when you get this baby monitor set up.

Key Features:

  • 2-way audio
  • Temperature sensor
  • 5″ display screen

Cost: $120

LBtech Video Baby Monitor

LBtech Video Baby Monitor

Tilt and turn these cameras to set up a baby monitor and home security system combination so that you always have eyes on those most precious to you.

Key Features:

  • 4.3″ LCD display
  • Temperature detection
  • Expandable to 4 cameras

Cost: $120

Motorola Video Baby Monitor

Motorola Video Baby Monitor

These cameras offer a full 360-degree rotation, so placing them in the two rooms your little one most often frequents is ideal. But if you want to make sure you have your little one’s crib from every angle, two is always better than one.

Key Features:

  • Infrared night vision
  • 5″ LCD display
  • Remote camera control

Cost: $170

vmai Video Baby Monitor

vmai Video Baby Monitor

You can place your two cameras that come with this baby monitor on either side of an oddly-shaped room or in the bedroom and playroom to make sure you keep an eye on your little ones, even when they’re older.

Key Features:

  • 2-way audio
  • Add additional cameras later
  • 5 lullabies

Cost: $120

WiFi Baby Monitors

Lumi by Pampers Smart Baby Monitor Camera

Lumi by Pampers Smart Baby Monitor Camera

Though Pampers may be best known for diapers, this video baby monitor proves that the brand is genuinely high quality, across the board.

Key Features:

  • Lumi Lookback will timelapse the prior night’s video
  • Temperature and humidity tracking
  • 2-way audio

Cost: $230

Motorola Connect40 Wireless Family Video Monitor

Motorola Connect40 Wireless Family Video Monitor

This baby monitor will offer you both a video screen, exclusively used for the camera, or WiFi access to an installed app on your phone.

Key Features:

  • 2-way audio
  • Low battery and out of range alerts
  • 5″ display screen

Cost: $180

HelloBaby Monitor Camera

HelloBaby Monitor Camera

Using your WiFi will give you the peace of mind to monitor your baby even when you’re not around, and the video receiver will give you easy access at just a glance for when you’re within range.

Key Features:

  • Infrared night vision
  • 3-month warranty; 1-year quality guaranteed
  • 2-way audio

Cost: $95

Wansview 1080PHD Wireless Baby Monitor Camera

Wansview 1080PHD Wireless Baby MOnitor Camera

By installing an app on your phone or another smart device, you’ll have access to your home, and your baby’s room anywhere you go.

Key Features:

  • Night vision
  • 2-way audio
  • Alexa-enabled

Cost: $35

Nooie Baby Monitor

Nooie Baby Monitor

Monitoring your baby from your phone, even when you’re away and you’ve left the little one with a sitter will go a long way towards making those first few trips away from baby less painful.

Key Features:

  • Alexa compatible
  • 360-degrees motion-tracking
  • 1080p resolution

Cost: $50

CellBee Video Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio

CellBee Video Baby Monitor with Camera and Audio

This camera will give you a clear picture and your little one will be interested in its curious design.

Key Features:

  • 2-way audio
  • Night vision
  • Auto soothe music when baby cries

Cost: $130